Introduction to EMS09

“The EMS Network has been organised to fill an important gap in terms of electroacoustic music, namely focusing on the better understanding of the various manifestations of electroacoustic music. Areas related to the study of electroacoustic music range from the musicological to more interdisciplinary approaches, from studies concerning the impact of technology on musical creativity to the investigation of the ubiquitous nature of electroacoustic sounds today. The choice of the word, ‘network’ is of fundamental importance as one of our goals is to make relevant initiatives more widely available.” (
EMS09 - Heritage and future
Presenting EMS 09 and Main Theme
Heritage and future
During recent years the electroacoustic community has been celebrating different dates related to the birth of electroacoustic music. Such moments are often a time for analysis and reflection, which is very important for a better understanding of our past, and allows us to review our present and to think about our future.
It also make us wonder: how do we imagine the future of electroacoustic music? And at the same time, what do we wish for the future of electroacoustic music?
At this point, many other questions arise, all of them connected to the same root: what is the role of musical education in this path? To what extent is our heritage significant in terms of our seeking to extend our sound-music boundaries or, instead, to what extent does this heritage generate barriers which limit our imagination?
Are we looking to develop a self-sustained electroacoustic art or do we think that electroacoustic music would be best integrated with other disciplines in the future?
Will technical developments limit our future steps or have we reached a stage of maturity which allows us to seek in the technology that which we need?
Is it possible to think about new languages (or derived new ones), starting from what is already known today as electroacoustic music?
Conference Committee
- Marc BATTIER (MINT-OMF, Universit de Paris-Sorbonne, France)
- Ricardo DAL FARRA (UNTREF, Argentina / Concordia University, Canada)
- Leigh LANDY (MTI, De Montfort University, UK)
- Raúl MINSBURG (UNTREF, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- Daniel TERUGGI (INA/GRM, Paris, France)
Dates and place: 22-25 June, 2009 – Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Centro Cultural Borges (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
The EMS conference is organised yearly through the initiative of the Electroacoustic Music Studies Network, an international team which aims to encourage reflection on the better understanding of electroacoustic music and its genesis, its appearance and its development over the span of a century. The organisers are all engaged in the key areas of debate and actively seeking the development of solutions.
Thanks to a collaboration with ISAST (International Society for the Arts, Sciences and technology) and OLATS (Observatoire Leonardo des Arts et Technosciences), a Leonardo-EMS prize will be given to a selected communication of a young researcher for publication of his/her paper in Leonardo (MIT Press).
The 6th Conference will commence in the afternoon of Monday 22nd of June with the registration, a round table with Argentinean composers and a presentation by the keynote speaker. Additional events may be announced later.