Local Information
The ems 14 conference is hosted by Universität der Künste Berlin (Berlin University of the Arts)
Einsteinufer 43-53
10587 Berlin
Here you can find a detailed view of the location. The ems14 conference is mainly located in two buildings of the Universität der Künste Berlin, on the one hand Georg-Neumann-Saal in the Jazz Institute Berlin ( 1 ), on the other hand the Hörsaal 127 ( 2 ). The conference office, as well as the coffee breaks will be found in the main building (EIN first floor & ground floor | 2 ).
Close by you can find the cafeteria ( 4 ) for coffee, snacks and lunch. Here you can pay only in cash. You can find some more restaurants closed too (we will provide some information at the conference).
Connections from Tegel Airport:
Tegel Airport: Bus X9
(direction: S+U Zoologischer Garten)
every 10 minutes
get off at stop E.-Reuter-Platz [Duration: 15min]
Tegel Airport: Bus TXL
(direction: S+U Alexanderplatz via Hauptbahnhof)
every 6 - 7 minutes
Change at stop U Turmstr. into Bus 245
(direction: S+U Zoologischer Garten)
every 20 minutes
get off at Marchbrücke [Duration: 30min]
Connections from Schönefeld Airport:
Schönefeld Airport: Local Train RB 14 (to Nauen) or RB7 (to Bad Belzig)
get off at stop S+U Zoologischer Garten
Change to U2 (to U Ruhleben) and get off at stop E.-Reuter-Platz or change to Bus 245, and get off at stop Marchbrücke
[Duration: 45min]
Connections from Berlin Main Station:
Berlin Main Station: Bus 245
(direction: S+U Zoologischer Garten)
every 20 minutes
get off at Marchbrücke [Duration: 20min]
Berlin Main Station: take any S-Bahn or local train to the stop S+U Zoologischer Garten
Change to U2 (to U Ruhleben) and get off at stop E.-Reuter-Platz or change to Bus 245, and get off at stop Marchbrücke
[Duration: 12min]
Or have a look at bvg.de
Additional Event Information
As is known Berlin is a vived and miscellanous city concerning musical and scholarly activities. From that perspecitve Berlin provides of course some additional events, installations, concerts or club nights at the same time, and for sure as well in the particular time window between the closing of our installations and the next morning session.
If you like to know what happens as well here, feel free an have a look at the following pages which show the current program of New Music, experimental Music, Electroacoustic Music, Improvised Music etc.
– the digital calendar of the inm (Initiative Neue Musik Berlin e.V.)
– the digital calendar of echtzeitmusik (a service dedicated to and offered by the Echtzeitmusik scene in Berlin)