June 3 | June 4 | June 5 | June 6 | June 7
>Tuesday 3 June location: INA 83-85 rue Patay, 75013 Paris | |||||
15.00-17.30 | Roundtable "Aspects socio-politiques de la musique électroacoustique" |
18.00 | Keynote
address: François Bayle Registration |
19.00 | Welcome reception | ||||
Wednesday 4th June location: INA 83-85 rue Patay, 75013 Paris | |||||
Session 4-1: Electroacoustic
Performance Location: Chair: Daniel Teruggi |
9h.00 | Hannah Bosma | Electroacoustic “music minus one”: Performance and identity in Ton Bruynel’s compositions for sound tracks and instruments | |||
9h.30 | Margaret Schedel | Ensuring the Sustainability of Art with Techology | |||
10h.00 | Ken Fields | Cooperative Research and Performance on E-Art Grids | |||
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break | ||||
Session 4-2: Analysis
and Research on Electroacoustic Music Location: Chair: Joel Chadabe |
11h.00 | Leigh Landy | The Sound-based Music Paradigm | |||
11h.30 | Marc Battier | Rhythm and space: The place of Olivier Messiaen’s Timbres-Durées in the context of musique concrète | |||
12h.00 | Robert J. Frank | Analysing Structure in Musique Concrète via Timbral Elements | |||
12h.30 | Andrea Valle | Tableaux et gravures: A graph modelization of Schaeffer’s theory of listening | |||
13.00-14.30 | Lunch break | ||||
Session 4-3: Historical
Impacts of Electroacoustic Music Location: Chair: Hannah Bosma |
14h.30 | Joel Chadabe | Schaeffer in the United States | |||
15h.00 | Bob Gluck | Live Electronic Music and Jazz: First encounters | |||
15h.30 | Martin Flasar | The East of the West: The conditions under which electroacoustic music existed in Czechoslovakia, 1948-1992 | |||
16.00-16.30 | Tea break | ||||
Session 4-4: Musical
Composition and Technology Location: Chair: Bob Gluck |
16h.30 | Ricardo Dal Farra | From Technology to Artistic Creation and Back. Between sound and music in early electroacoustic compositions | |||
17h.00 | Ivan Zavada | Confluence of Techné and Musical Thought: 3D-Composer, a software for micro-composition | |||
Thursday 5th June location: Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris | |||||
Session 5-A1: EMSAN Location: salle 035 Chairs: Ching Wen Chao, Marc Battier |
Session 5-B1: Sound
Organisation, Musical structures Location: salle 040 Chair: John Dack |
9h.00 | Hsien-Sheng Lien | A
Brief History of Electroacoustic Music in Taiwan |
Lasse Thoresen | Sound Characters, Sound Values and Form in Åke Parmerud’s Les Objets Obscurs | |
9h.30 | Hui-Mei Chen | La musique électroacoustique dans l’enseignement supérieur de Taiwan | Alexander Bennett | Sounds and Structure of Electroacoustic Music: Investigating the phenomenon of “key sounds” | |
10h.00 | Marie-Hélène Bernard | Le développement de la musique électroacoustique en Chine continentale | Anna Rubin | Structure and Sonic Metaphor in the Music of Francis Dhomont | |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break | ||||
Session 5-A2: EMSAN Location: salle 035 Chair: Lonce Wyse |
Session 5-B2: The Studio
as a Place for Musical Creation Location: salle 040 Chair: Gary Kendall |
11h.00 | Luciana Galliano | Musique
concrète in Japan |
Sanne Krogh Groth | The Stockholm Studio EMS during its Early Years | |
11h.30 | Hiromi Ishii | Japanese electronic music denshi-ongaku : Its music and terminology, definition and confusion | Simon Waters | Sound Structures, Social Structures, Technical Structures: Changing practices and behaviours in a UK university studio 1973-2008 | |
12h.00 | Mikako Mizuno | Electroacoustic music in today’s aesthetic situation: two points towards sound materials and structure | Ian Burleigh and Friedemann Sallis | Seizing the Ephemeral: Recording Luigi Nono’s A Pierre Dell’azzurro silenzio, inquietum. A più cori (1985) at the Banff Centre | |
12h.30 | Yuriko Hase Kojima | Listening to the Sound: Meanings in Making Music | Tim Ward | The Technological Crisis in the Electroacoustic Music Studio | |
13.00-14.30 | Lunch break | ||||
5-A3: EMSAN Location: salle 035 Chair: Yuriko Hase Kojima |
Session 5-B3: Music
Perception and Cognition Location: salle 040 Chair: Simon Waters |
14h.30 | Zhang Ruibo (Mungo) | CHEARS 2008: EARS Full Text Translation Plan | Gary Kendall | What is an Event? The EVENT schema in relation to listening and electroacoustic cognition | |
15h.00 | Hasnizam Abdul Wahid | A Review on Electroacoustic and 'Experimental' Works from Malaysia | Blas Payri and José Luis Miralles Bono | Perception of Spatial Trajectories as Musical Patterns | |
15h30 | Koichi Fujii | Financial Source or Opportunities for Experiments? Musique concrète in Japanese Film Music in 1950s and 1960s | Phivos-Angelos Kollias | Music and Systems Thinking: Xenakis, Di Scipio and a systemic model of symbolic music | |
16.00-16.30 | Tea break | ||||
Session 5-A4: EMSAN Location: salle 035 Chair: Ken Fields |
Session 5-B4: Reappropriations
and Becomings of
Musical Materials Location: salle 040 Chair: Andra McCartney |
16h.30 | Lonce Wyse | The Emergence of Electroacoustic Music in Singapore | Raúl Minsburg and Fabián Beltramino | The Quotation in Electroacoustic Music | |
17h.00 | Naotoshi Osaka | Timbre Script based Music Notation | Julio D’Escriván and Paul Jackson | Applied Plunderphonia: Tagging electronic music with samples | |
18:30 | Special event: Visit of GRM, Maison de la Radio | ||||
19:30 | Special event: EMS08 Banquet (registration required, participation fee: 35 euros, Maison de la Radio) click here | ||||
Friday 6th June location: Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris | |||||
Session 6-A1: Sound
Organisation, Musical structures Location: salle 035 Chair: Julio d'Escrivan |
Session 6-B1: La
technologie dans l’acte de création musicale Location: salle 040 Chair: Nathalie Ruget |
9h.00 | Arshia Cont and Marco Stroppa | The Writing of Interactive Electronic Music | Elisa Teglia | Création de sons et emploi d’outils : les travaux de Nono, Berio et Maderna au Studio di Fonologia Musicale de Milan | |
9h.30 | John Dack | Sons Excentriques, Sons Équilibrés and the “Sublime” | Vincent Tiffon | L’influence de l’outil : pour une étude raisonnée des interactions entre innovations techniques et inventions musicales en audiosphère | |
10h.00 | Paul Scriver | From Cacophony to Symphony – Holistic listening and how engendering a musical sensibility to the soundscape might help to heal the environment, and enrich our culture | Elsa Filipe | Le rôle des systèmes informatiques dans les œuvres Xatys de Daniel Teruggi et Lituus de José Manuel López-López | |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break | ||||
Session 6-A2: Social and
Cultural Approaches to Electroacoustic Music Location: salle 035 Chair: Hasnizam Abd Wahid |
Session 6-B2: Relationship
between Arts and Music through Technology Location: salle 040 Chair: Leigh Landy |
11h.00 | Rob Weale | Investigating the Potential Functions of Electroacoustic Music from a Socio-Cultural Perspective | James Harley | From Trains to Plains: An historical consideration of soundscape composition | |
11h.30 | Andra McCartney | Reception and Reflexivity in Electroacoustic Creation | Michael T. Bullock | Noise to Signal: Consumer electronics and the rise of underground electro-acoustic scenes | |
12h.00 | Karen Sunabacka | She is the Voice, She is the Sound – Women composers, the female voice, and electroacoustic music | Laurie Radford | “I am sitting on a fence”: Negotiating sound and image in audiovisual composition | |
12h.30 | Leslie Blasius | Persepolis Revisited | Brian Kane | L’acousmatique mythique: Reconsidering the acousmatic reduction and the Pythagorian veil | |
13.00-14.30 | Lunch break | ||||
Session 6-A3: Sound in
Electroacoustic Music Location: salle 035 Chair: Naotoshi Osaka |
Session 6-B3: Analyse et
méthodes de composition Location: salle 040 Chair: Bruno Bossis |
14h.30 | Mathew Adkins | The Application of Memetic Analysis to Electroacoustic Music | Evelyne Gayou | Les procédures de composition d’hier et d’aujourd’hui au GRM | |
15h.00 | Peiman Khosravi | Exploring the Boundaries of Spectral Space and Tonal Pitch Space | Nicolas Viel | Vis Terribilis Sonorum : problèmes musicologiques de la musique algorithmique | |
15h30 | Christopher Murray | The “Timbres” of Timbres-durées: Caught between note and objet musical | Pierre Couprie | Utiliser le logiciel iAnalyse pour analyser la musique électroacoustique | |
16.00-16.30 | Tea break | ||||
Session 6-A4: Live
Electronics and Improvisation Location: salle 035 Chair: Mikako Mizuno |
Session 6-B4: Intervention
et intégration d’éléments
paramusicaux dans les musiques électroacoustiques Location: salle 040 Chair: Vincent Tiffon |
16h.30 | Peter V. Swendsen | Ephemeral Partners in Physicality and Abstraction: Theoretical intersections between electroacoustic music and modern dance | Gaël Tissot | La musique électroacoustique de François Bayle : un échange par la métaphore visuelle | |
17h.00 | Jonathan Impett | Being Itself: Improvised electronic music as simulation and interface | Nathalie Ruget | Luigi Nono, une exploration de l’électronique au service d’une sémantique particulière : l’invention de sons animés et mouvants capables d’influencer la progression d’un texte ou de le révéler. Das atmende Klarsein et Omaggio a György Kurtág | |
18:30 |
Special event: EMS08 Performance by Carl Stone Location: Studio 116 at Maison de Radio France |
20.00 | EMSAN/GRM
concert of electroacoustic music from Beijing, Shanghai and Taipei on
the GRM acousmonium Location: Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de Radio France |
Saturday 7th June location: Maison de la recherche, 28 rue Serpente, 75006 Paris | |||||
Session 7-A1: Musical
Parameters Evaluation and Organisation Location: salle 035 Chair: Laurie Radford |
Session 7-B1: Électroacoustique
et instrumentalité : influences et interactions Location: salle 040 Chair: Robert Normandeau |
9h.00 | Natasha Barrett | Listening Thresholds and Contextual Frameworks – An example from Barely-part-1 | Isabel Antunes-Pires | Quelques réflexions sur les rapports entre l’électroacoustique et la musique instrumentale de Xenakis : La légende d’Eer et Jonchaies | |
9h.30 | Simon Emmerson | Pulse, Metrer, Rhythm in Electro-Acoustic Music | Simonetta Sargenti | Technologie et écriture instrumentale dans les oeuvres de Luigi Nono | |
10h.00 | Rosemary Mountain | Sorting Sounds: Testing tools & strategies | Abril Padilla et
Benny Sluchin |
Le son ausculté – À propos de Mikrophonie I de Karlheinz Stockhausen | |
10.30-11.00 | Coffee break | ||||
Session 7-A2: Music and
Representation Location: salle 035 Chair: Marta Grabocz |
Session 7-B2: La
lutherie électronique Location: salle 040 Chair: Bertrand Merlier |
11h.00 | Kevin Patton | Timescale and Gesture in Approaches to Morphological Representation of Electroacoustic Sound | Bruno Bossis | Les composants programmables dans la typologie instrumentale : évolution ou remise en cause ? | |
11h.30 | John Coulter | Electroacoustic Composition as Research | Romain Bricout | Les incarnations du sampler au XXe siècle : l’avènement du musicien-luthier | |
12h.00 | Kyong Mee Choi | Spatial Relationship in Electro-Acoustic Music and Painting | Frédéric Dufeu | Temps réel et temps différé dans l’instrument de musique numérique | |
12h.30 | Eric Lyon | Radical Archiving | Sébastien Béranger | Du maniement de l’outil à la virtuosité de son utilisation… | |
13.00-14.30 | Lunch break | ||||
Session 7-A3: Le son et
sa représentation Location: salle 035 Chair: Nicolas Viel |
Session 7-B3: Premiers
développements des musiques électroacoustiques Location: salle 040 Chair: Friedmann Sallis |
14h.30 | Jean-Louis Di Santo | La perception de l’objet sonore : objective ou subjective ? | Andrea Cohen | Musique concrète et art radiophonique : allers-retours | |
15h.00 | Olivier Baudouin | Un exemple d’analyse à partir d’une partition codée : Stria de John Chowning | Tatjana Böhme-Mehner | Le développement de la musique électroacoustique en France et en Allemagne vu sous l’angle de la rupture | |
15h30 | Yann Geslin et Noémie Sprenger-Ohana | Abstraction et symbolisation dans la représentation des musiques électroacoustiques : un exemple de transcription à niveaux multiples de L’Oiseau moqueur réalisé à l’aide de l’Acousmographe | Francis Dhomont | Vers un classicisme de l’écriture acousmatique | |
16.00-16.30 | Tea break | ||||
Session 7-A4: Music and
Education Location: salle 035 Chair: Hiromi Ishii |
Session 7-B4: L’organisation
du son et sa diffusion Location: salle 040 Chair: Laura Zattra |
16h.30 | Ioanna Etmektsoglou, Andreas Mniestris and Theodore Lotis | Balancing between Schafer and Schaeffer in Refining Young Children’s Aural Perception within an Ecological Approach to Education | Robert Normandeau | Le cycle Onomatopées : l’orchestration électroacoustique | |
17h.00 | Anna-Marie Higgins | At the Chalkface: Using aspects of Roger Doyle’s works to introduce electroacoustic music to secondary school students | Bertrand Merlier | Perception de l’espace en musiques électroacoustiques : à la recherche d’un vocabulaire collectif | |
18:30 | Special event: EMS Cocktail Location: GRM, studio 116, Maison de Radio France |
20:00 | Concert
GRM Multiphonies Location: Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de Radio France |
Sunday 8th June Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de Radio France | |||||
18:00 | Concert
GRM Multiphonies Location: Salle Olivier Messiaen, Maison de Radio France |
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