A submission should consist of a zipped folder containing:
- The paper abstract in English or Spanish (maximum 1,500 words), headed with author name(s), organization affiliation (if any), contact address, telephone, and email address in PDF;
- A curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum) in PDF;
- A list of publications (2 pages maximum) in PDF;
- A brief bio (150 words) in PDF.
Submission are to be made directly by email to ems19@ems-network.org
The abstract should be ready for publication if the paper is accepted. A program containing the paper abstracts will be made available on the EMS website (www.ems-network.org) and distributed at the conference.
Submissions from students and early-career postdoctoral researchers are particularly encouraged.
Paper presentation guidelines:
Each paper presentation will be 20 minutes (plus a 5 minute question period).
Papers are to be given in English or Spanish.
Presentations with visual support are strongly encouraged. Standard presentation equipment will be provided including a video projector and stereo sound system. Please bring your own device with VGA or HDMI connector and, for sound examples, a mini-jack audio output.
Send your submission to: