TRANSPORT decorative dots

General description of where DMU Leicester is located, including details of how to get there by car, rail, bus or air. For up-to-the-minute public transport information please call Traveline on (0870) 608 2608.

If you want to download and print out a higher quality access map for DMU Leicester we have a PDF version available for download from this site. To use it, you will need Adobe's free Acrobat reader.

London Heathrow and Gatwick
+ Eurostart rail links:
Take public transportation to Kings Cross/St. Pancras rail stations (these are adjacent to one another).
There is a regular rail service (ca. 1 hour) from St. Pancras to Leicester.

London Stansted and Luton:
There are direct (or one change) rail services to Leicester from both air terminals. From Stansted, ca. 2 hours 20 minutes, Luton between one hour (direct) and 1 hour 20 minutes.

East Midlands Airport:
This is the closest airport to Leicester (ca 25km). It has an hourly bus service into Leicester.

map of DMU

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